Source code for cherrypy.test.test_bus

"""Publish-subscribe bus tests."""
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name

import os
import sys
import threading
import time
import unittest.mock

import pytest

from cherrypy.process import wspbus

CI_ON_MACOS = bool(os.getenv('CI')) and sys.platform == 'darwin'
msg = 'Listener %d on channel %s: %s.'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]@pytest.fixture def bus(): """Return a wspbus instance.""" return wspbus.Bus()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def log_tracker(bus): """Return an instance of bus log tracker.""" class LogTracker: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Bus log tracker.""" log_entries = [] def __init__(self, bus): def logit(msg, level): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.log_entries.append(msg) bus.subscribe('log', logit) return LogTracker(bus)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def listener(): """Return an instance of bus response tracker.""" class Listner: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Bus handler return value tracker.""" responses = [] def get_listener(self, channel, index): """Return an argument tracking listener.""" def listener(arg=None): self.responses.append(msg % (index, channel, arg)) return listener return Listner()
[docs]def test_builtin_channels(bus, listener): """Test that built-in channels trigger corresponding listeners.""" expected = [] for channel in bus.listeners: for index, priority in enumerate([100, 50, 0, 51]): bus.subscribe( channel, listener.get_listener(channel, index), priority, ) for channel in bus.listeners: bus.publish(channel) expected.extend([msg % (i, channel, None) for i in (2, 1, 3, 0)]) bus.publish(channel, arg=79347) expected.extend([msg % (i, channel, 79347) for i in (2, 1, 3, 0)]) assert listener.responses == expected
[docs]def test_custom_channels(bus, listener): """Test that custom pub-sub channels work as built-in ones.""" expected = [] custom_listeners = ('hugh', 'louis', 'dewey') for channel in custom_listeners: for index, priority in enumerate([None, 10, 60, 40]): bus.subscribe( channel, listener.get_listener(channel, index), priority, ) for channel in custom_listeners: bus.publish(channel, 'ah so') expected.extend(msg % (i, channel, 'ah so') for i in (1, 3, 0, 2)) bus.publish(channel) expected.extend(msg % (i, channel, None) for i in (1, 3, 0, 2)) assert listener.responses == expected
[docs]def test_listener_errors(bus, listener): """Test that unhandled exceptions raise channel failures.""" expected = [] channels = [c for c in bus.listeners if c != 'log'] for channel in channels: bus.subscribe(channel, listener.get_listener(channel, 1)) # This will break since the lambda takes no args. bus.subscribe(channel, lambda: None, priority=20) for channel in channels: with pytest.raises(wspbus.ChannelFailures): bus.publish(channel, 123) expected.append(msg % (1, channel, 123)) assert listener.responses == expected
[docs]def test_start(bus, listener, log_tracker): """Test that bus start sequence calls all listeners.""" num = 3 for index in range(num): bus.subscribe('start', listener.get_listener('start', index)) bus.start() try: # The start method MUST call all 'start' listeners. assert ( set(listener.responses) == set(msg % (i, 'start', None) for i in range(num))) # The start method MUST move the state to STARTED # (or EXITING, if errors occur) assert bus.state == bus.states.STARTED # The start method MUST log its states. assert log_tracker.log_entries == ['Bus STARTING', 'Bus STARTED'] finally: # Exit so the atexit handler doesn't complain. bus.exit()
[docs]def test_stop(bus, listener, log_tracker): """Test that bus stop sequence calls all listeners.""" num = 3 for index in range(num): bus.subscribe('stop', listener.get_listener('stop', index)) bus.stop() # The stop method MUST call all 'stop' listeners. assert (set(listener.responses) == set(msg % (i, 'stop', None) for i in range(num))) # The stop method MUST move the state to STOPPED assert bus.state == bus.states.STOPPED # The stop method MUST log its states. assert log_tracker.log_entries == ['Bus STOPPING', 'Bus STOPPED']
[docs]def test_graceful(bus, listener, log_tracker): """Test that bus graceful state triggers all listeners.""" num = 3 for index in range(num): bus.subscribe('graceful', listener.get_listener('graceful', index)) bus.graceful() # The graceful method MUST call all 'graceful' listeners. assert ( set(listener.responses) == set(msg % (i, 'graceful', None) for i in range(num))) # The graceful method MUST log its states. assert log_tracker.log_entries == ['Bus graceful']
[docs]def test_exit(bus, listener, log_tracker): """Test that bus exit sequence is correct.""" num = 3 for index in range(num): bus.subscribe('stop', listener.get_listener('stop', index)) bus.subscribe('exit', listener.get_listener('exit', index)) bus.exit() # The exit method MUST call all 'stop' listeners, # and then all 'exit' listeners. assert (set(listener.responses) == set([msg % (i, 'stop', None) for i in range(num)] + [msg % (i, 'exit', None) for i in range(num)])) # The exit method MUST move the state to EXITING assert bus.state == bus.states.EXITING # The exit method MUST log its states. assert (log_tracker.log_entries == ['Bus STOPPING', 'Bus STOPPED', 'Bus EXITING', 'Bus EXITED'])
[docs]def test_wait(bus): """Test that bus wait awaits for states.""" def f(method): # pylint: disable=invalid-name time.sleep(0.2) getattr(bus, method)() flow = [ ('start', [bus.states.STARTED]), ('stop', [bus.states.STOPPED]), ('start', [bus.states.STARTING, bus.states.STARTED]), ('exit', [bus.states.EXITING]), ] for method, states in flow: threading.Thread(target=f, args=(method,)).start() bus.wait(states) # The wait method MUST wait for the given state(s). assert bus.state in states, 'State %r not in %r' % (bus.state, states)
[docs]@pytest.mark.xfail(CI_ON_MACOS, reason='continuous integration on macOS fails') def test_wait_publishes_periodically(bus): """Test that wait publishes each tick.""" callback = unittest.mock.MagicMock() bus.subscribe('main', callback) def set_start(): time.sleep(0.05) bus.start() threading.Thread(target=set_start).start() bus.wait(bus.states.STARTED, interval=0.01, channel='main') assert callback.call_count > 3
[docs]def test_block(bus, log_tracker): """Test that bus block waits for exiting.""" def f(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name time.sleep(0.2) bus.exit() def g(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name time.sleep(0.4) threading.Thread(target=f).start() threading.Thread(target=g).start() threads = [t for t in threading.enumerate() if not t.daemon] assert len(threads) == 3 bus.block() # The block method MUST wait for the EXITING state. assert bus.state == bus.states.EXITING # The block method MUST wait for ALL non-main, non-daemon threads to # finish. threads = [t for t in threading.enumerate() if not t.daemon] assert len(threads) == 1 # The last message will mention an indeterminable thread name; ignore # it expected_bus_messages = [ 'Bus STOPPING', 'Bus STOPPED', 'Bus EXITING', 'Bus EXITED', 'Waiting for child threads to terminate...', ] bus_msg_num = len(expected_bus_messages) # If the last message mentions an indeterminable thread name then ignore it assert log_tracker.log_entries[:bus_msg_num] == expected_bus_messages assert len(log_tracker.log_entries[bus_msg_num:]) <= 1, ( 'No more than one extra log line with the thread name expected' )
[docs]def test_start_with_callback(bus): """Test that callback fires on bus start.""" try: events = [] def f(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=invalid-name events.append(('f', args, kwargs)) def g(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name events.append('g') bus.subscribe('start', g) bus.start_with_callback(f, (1, 3, 5), {'foo': 'bar'}) # Give wait() time to run f() time.sleep(0.2) # The callback method MUST wait for the STARTED state. assert bus.state == bus.states.STARTED # The callback method MUST run after all start methods. assert events == ['g', ('f', (1, 3, 5), {'foo': 'bar'})] finally: bus.exit()
[docs]def test_log(bus, log_tracker): """Test that bus messages and errors are logged.""" assert log_tracker.log_entries == [] # Try a normal message. expected = [] for msg_ in ["O mah darlin'"] * 3 + ['Clementiiiiiiiine']: bus.log(msg_) expected.append(msg_) assert log_tracker.log_entries == expected # Try an error message try: foo except NameError: bus.log('You are lost and gone forever', traceback=True) lastmsg = log_tracker.log_entries[-1] assert 'Traceback' in lastmsg and 'NameError' in lastmsg, ( 'Last log message %r did not contain ' 'the expected traceback.' % lastmsg ) else:'NameError was not raised as expected.')