Source code for cherrypy.tutorial.tut07_sessions

Tutorial - Sessions

Storing session data in CherryPy applications is very easy: cherrypy
provides a dictionary called "session" that represents the session
data for the current user. If you use RAM based sessions, you can store
any kind of object into that dictionary; otherwise, you are limited to
objects that can be pickled.

import os.path

import cherrypy

[docs]class HitCounter: _cp_config = {'tools.sessions.on': True}
[docs] @cherrypy.expose def index(self): # Increase the silly hit counter count = cherrypy.session.get('count', 0) + 1 # Store the new value in the session dictionary cherrypy.session['count'] = count # And display a silly hit count message! return ''' During your current session, you've viewed this page %s times! Your life is a patio of fun! ''' % count
tutconf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tutorial.conf') if __name__ == '__main__': # CherryPy always starts with app.root when trying to map request URIs # to objects, so we need to mount a request handler root. A request # to '/' will be mapped to HelloWorld().index(). cherrypy.quickstart(HitCounter(), config=tutconf)